Hello friends, happy to meet you, today a new lesson in Sketchware, and this lesson is about the way to move in the linaer, whether horizontally or vertically, using Scroll V and Scroll H.
Creating Scroll H
As always you must create app than you going to Add Scroll H and LinearH but you need to set LinearH inside ScrollV Like This
creating Scroll V:
For creating scroll V you need to add Scroll V and put inside it LinearH (You must to Set the linear H in Vertical mode ),and don't change anything in width and height just like this
After we create Scroll Vertical and Scroll horizontal now you need to set things in ScrollV and Scroll H
You can set how much you want with no problems.
In Ower case with set block""TextView"" like this
Now Save your app and click for RUN
Watch video for more understanding⬇⬇⬇
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